Ear oil is a topical preparation to be placed in the ears at the onset of pain, pressure, or other discomfort related to cold and flu. While our office carries ear oil that is professionally prepared using multiple herbs, this recipe consists of ingredients you probably have at home, and can be made relatively quickly using garlic, olive oil, and a natural preservative such as rosemary or Vitamin E.
Garlic has wonderful antimicrobial properties and can help soothe an irritated ear, and potentially prevent an infection. Olive oil is known to reduce inflammation, and acts as a great base for topical medicinal herbal preparations. If you like the smell of garlic, you will love the smell of this concoction simmering on the stove. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll be tempted to put a bit on bread (which is also allowed, just leave some for your ears). 😊 Ear oil should be used at the onset of symptoms. If you experience ear pain for longer than 1-2 days, or have a fever, see your doctor before use. If you’re prone to ear infections or have ever had a ruptured ear drum, a healthcare provider should examine your ears before anything is placed in them. Ingredients:
Directions: Place garlic, olive oil, and rosemary sprig (if applicable) in a pot with a lid. Warm the solution on low for 1 hour, stirring periodically. Do not allow the oil to bubble. The aim is not to sauté the garlic, but rather to infuse it in the olive oil slowly on very low heat. Strain oil with cheesecloth or tea strainer and throw away the garlic (and rosemary), keeping the oil. Add essential oil or Vitamin E as preservative (if applicable). Pour oil into a clean bottle. Let cool to body temperature or room temperature. Never place oil that is colder than room temperature in your ears. Using a dropper or syringe, apply 3-5 drops in ear(s) 3-4x/day until improved, or ask your doctor for instructions specific to your case. Store ear oil in a cool, dark place. Dr. Michelle Haff is a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Acupuncturist at Lilac Natural Medicine in Bedford, New Hampshire. Her practice focuses on Pediatrics, Women's Medicine, GI, Endocrine, and Mental Health concerns. She is a Primary Care Provider for the whole family and loves treating kids from pre-conception into their teens, as well as adults of all ages. Dr. Haff is a graduate of Sonoran University of Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona and Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She is licensed in New Hampshire and is the President of the NH Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Dr. Haff is also a member of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
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Dr. Michelle Haff (she/her) is a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Acupuncturist at Lilac Natural Medicine in Bedford, New Hampshire. Her practice focuses on Pediatrics, Women's Medicine, GI, Endocrine, and Mental Health concerns. She is a Primary Care Provider for the whole family and loves treating kids from pre-conception into their teens, as well as adults of all ages.